Thursday, February 24, 2011
Time To Be A Tourist

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Fish Farmers...
Monday, February 21, 2011
Food, Friends, Flowers & Fabric
Foods baked in the Umu (in the ground on a bed of hot lava rocks):
Recent discoveries; German Buns, these are kind of jelly filled donuts, fried and served in a brown bag. Pane popo, basically a dinner roll baked in a bath of coconut cream. When you pull one of these warm buns out it is drenched in this slightly sweet coconut cream and is soooo delicious! Hello Breakfast!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Valentine's Day = Generosity Day

I read this third hand, as it was posted to facebook by another, but like them, I also am using it, because I think it is a lovely sentiment!!
"Valentine’s Day is going to be rebooted as Generosity Day: one day of sharing love with everyone, of being generous to everyone, to see how it feels and to practice saying “Yes.” Let’s make the day about love, action and human connection.
Give to people on the street. Tip outrageously. Help a stranger. Write a note telling someone how much you appreciate them. Smile. Donate (more) to a cause that means a lot to you. Take clothes to GoodWill. All generous acts count!"Meet Hena:
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
I think I will title this episode: Lucy & Ethel Tuna Smugglers

(No plastic wrap, no nothing... I don't need to mention what the car now smells like.)
My Research
Today I broke my 100 survey goal! Hooray!!
Please circle the responses that you feel best describe you:
1. Oa’u: Polenisia—Asia—Isi I am: Polynesian—Caucasian—Asian—Other
2. Tulaga o Tausaga: My age: 18 to 30 31 to 40 41 to 50 51 to 60 61 to 70 71 or over
3. Tulaga Fa’aipoipoga: Fa’aipoipo—To’atasi—Tatala faaipoipoga—Nofo fua—Isi
Marital Status: Married—Single—Divorced—Widowed—Other
4. Fa’afusaina lo’u tagata: Le lotu—Lotu laititi—Lotu feololo—Tagata lotu male malelosi
I consider myself: not religious—somewhat religious—average in religion—very religious
5. Ua ma’ea____tausaga o a’oa’oga. I have completed ____ many years of schooling.
6. Oa’u: Ali’i—Tama’I tai—Isi I am : Male—Female—Other
Faamolemole toe tepa ile mafui’e ma le tsunami ia Setema 2009
ma a’afiaga na o’o ilou olaga.
Please consider the earthquake and tsunami of September 2009,
and the affect it has had on your life.
Iloilo tulaga o l’ou le auai po’o auai I fa’amatalaga nei.
Then indicate the level that you disagree or agree with the following statements:
0 = mafua leai se auai / disagree strongly; 1 = le auai laititi / disagree somewhat;
2 = le auai / disagree slightly; 3 = auai feololo / agree slightly;
4 = auai feololo atu / agree somewhat; 5 = auai atoatoa / agree strongly
Ta’u mai le mafui’e ma le tsunami, Since the earthquake and tsunami,
7. O mea sa ou lagoniana le taua ilo’u olaga olo’o tumau pea.
The things that I feel are important in life have remained the same.
Mafua leai se auai /Disagree Strongly 0------1------2------3------4------5 Auai atoatoa / Agree Strongly
8. Ua ou faafuatuaina tulaga olo’u lava o laga.
I have more appreciation for the value of my own life.
Mafua leai se auai /Disagree Strongly 0------1------2------3------4------5 Auai atoatoa / Agree Strongly
9. Ua ou fausia ni manatu fou. I have developed new interests.
Mafua leai se auai /Disagree Strongly 0------1------2------3------4------5 Auai atoatoa / Agree Strongly
10. Ua faateleina lo’u malamalama i mea. I have a better understanding of spiritual things.
Mafua leai se auai /Disagree Strongly 0------1------2------3------4------5 Auai atoatoa / Agree Strongly
11. Ua ou lagonaina le latalata atu i isi. I feel closer to others.
Mafua leai se auai /Disagree Strongly 0------1------2------3------4------5 Auai atoatoa / Agree Strongly
12. Ua faaititia li’ou mana’o e faailoa atu ou lagona. I am less willing to express my feelings.
Mafua leai se auai /Disagree Strongly 0------1------2------3------4------5 Auai atoatoa / Agree Strongly
13. Ua ou lagonaina le le mafai ona outau limaina faafitauli auai atoatoa.
I feel that I can no longer handle difficulties.
Mafua leai se auai /Disagree Strongly 0------1------2------3------4------5 Auai atoatoa / Agree Strongly
14. Maua ai avanoa lelei sa lei mafai ona auai atoatoa.
New opportunities are available which wouldn't have been otherwise.
Mafua leai se auai /Disagree Strongly 0------1------2------3------4------5 Auai atoatoa / Agree Strongly
15. Faaititia lo’u faatuatua faaleagaga. I have less religious faith.
Mafua leai se auai /Disagree Strongly 0------1------2------3------4------5 Auai atoatoa / Agree Strongly
16. Ua ou iloaina lo’u malosi lo’o le tulaga sa ou i ai.
I discovered that I'm stronger than I thought I was.
Mafua leai se auai /Disagree Strongly 0------1------2------3------4------5 Auai atoatoa / Agree Strongly