I read this third hand, as it was posted to facebook by another, but like them, I also am using it, because I think it is a lovely sentiment!!
"Valentine’s Day is going to be rebooted as Generosity Day: one day of sharing love with everyone, of being generous to everyone, to see how it feels and to practice saying “Yes.” Let’s make the day about love, action and human connection.
Give to people on the street. Tip outrageously. Help a stranger. Write a note telling someone how much you appreciate them. Smile. Donate (more) to a cause that means a lot to you. Take clothes to GoodWill. All generous acts count!"So in honor of "Generosity Day" here is my plea:
Having been here a month and a half now, I must admit to having become very attached to the two women that work for the foundation. They each make only $5 an hour, which is more than the minimum wage, and considered very good pay here for an unskilled part-time job. They both have families to support and I see them work hard to provide their children good nutrition and a clean place to live. While the pay is low, food and the necessities of life are very expensive!

Meet Hena:
I was telling my daughter Candace that I wanted to find a way to make a real difference, especially for these two women. She suggested I blog about it and let all of you know of the need I see. I believe that a small contribution could make a huge difference in their lives. $5 could really help change a life! My goal is to raise $100 for each of them so I can buy pans and cooking supplies for Nia, and a fry pan and gas burner for Hena. This would help them to start and grow their micro-enterprise ideas without the aid of a micro-loan. I believe with this boost up, these are two women that would really work and build their little businesses, and not having a loan to repay might just make all the difference.
If you are interested and want to help please email me at denise@freefamily.net and I will give you my address and info on how you can. Like I said, $5 can make a difference!
Meet Nia:
Nia is a single mother of 8 children, at least 5 are still at home, one has Cerebral Palsy. Nia is in night school at the community college trying to get her associates degree. She has started baking cakes to sell, and has been testing out new recipes. She is very lucky because she owns an oven, most people do not. Thing is she has only one pan, it is really a casserole pan, and it is rusty and old, and the propane to bake and the ingredients needed are very expensive. She is currently wanting to apply for a $100 loan so that she can obtain the needed materials to start her little baking enterprise. For the past few days I have been trying to teach Nia to drive, and I see her self esteem growing as she is able to do new things and be successful. Nia is a good loving mother, a hard worker, and someone who really deserves a break.
Meet Hena:
Hena is from Tonga, is married and has 2 small children, a 2 year old son pictured and a 4 year old daughter who is partially blind. Hena's husband works very hard at odd jobs but is waiting for his immigration papers in order to hopefully become employed full-time. Hena recently saved for 8 months to buy a plane ticket to visit the temple in Apia. When it came time for her wards weekend temple trip, her friend had prepared to take out her endowment but was not able to pay for a ticket. Hena gave her ticket to her friend so she could go instead. What a sacrifice! Hena is kind and generous, and I have come to really love her.
Hena has started a little business making 'pankakes' and she sells them 7 for $1. They are like large fried cake-donut balls. She dreams of having a large frying pan so she fry make more than 3 balls of dough at a time, and a small propane gas burner just for this purpose. She is also wanting to apply for a micro-loan to grow her little side business so as to better support her family.
It has been a couple of days since Candace suggested I post this blog, but when I saw the comment today about turning Valentine's Day into Generosity Day, I knew today was the day I needed to sit down and write.
Happy Valentine's Day!! I appreciate all of you who take the time to read what I blather on about each week, and love and miss you all!
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