Sunday, December 26, 2010

Okay, I will try to be a blogger

My daughter Candace has convinced me that keeping a blog while I am in American Samoa is a good idea. "It is an easy way to share pictures, and write more than you can with facebook" she says. She is right, and this is likely the only way I will keep much of a journal of my adventure abroad, as I am horrible at writing in a journal.

Sa'oloto Agaga is Free Spirit in Samoan, and seems like the perfect name for this blog, as taking off for two-months is certainly the most "free spirited" thing I have ever done.

My boyfriend Kelly and I are driving to Phoenix on the 31st and spending our last weekend together there before I leave. He flies back to Utah on the 2nd. :o(

I'm leaving on a jet plane... Oops, I digress to song...

Well, I am leaving on a jet plane, in 10 days, on January 6th from Phoenix headed through Honolulu to Samoa. Yikes!! I am far from ready to go. Let's just say that this week will need to be highly productive! I do however have many new cotton skirts, thanks to my mother, and cotton blouses, thanks to Kelly, which will be my basic uniform for the next two months while I am working with a non-profit group as well as doing my own psychological research on the island.

I return to Phoenix on March 7th, and am likely to spend a few days with my family and then it's home to Utah mid-March.

Until then, I commit to trying to keep this blog regularly updated, and post pics and tales my of adventures from a far away island, as often as something interesting happens.

Can't wait to throw on a skirt, t-shirt, flip flops and feel the sun. Good-bye sweaters, scarves, and cold Utah snow, hello warm Samoan sand! Just 10 more days to go...

Let the adventure begin!


  1. I'm so excited for you!
    You have so much to offer and I'm sure will bless the Samoan people more than you will ever know.
    Be safe and have fun. I look forward to hearing about all your adventures abroad.
    I love you.

  2. I'll be following for sure. Good luck and God bless!

  3. Can't wait to hear about your journey. You are an amazing person with so much love to offer. Good luck girl!!

  4. Wow, you go Denise! Have fun on your adventure and be safe. I look forward to reading all about it!
