One of my goals while I am in Samoa is to walk/hike and get into good hiking shape getting a jump on all my Utahan hiking buddies while they are still experiencing winter this year. So, here I am in paradise, thinking I am going to take a nice walk, or go hiking, and I am circumvented by scary dogs.
Here on the island lots of people have dogs. Dogs that they do not fix, feed, or fence. Luckily rabies does not exist here, but the idea of even being bit by a hungry scary dog keeps me from venturing out very far on foot.
So in order to reach my, get in hiking shape while I'm here goal, I decided to try the gym.
With directions, keys to the car, my gym clothes on, and my water bottle in hand, I headed out.
When I arrived I paid the $6 day use fee, and hopped on an elliptical machine.
The gym was a small building behind the swap meet, one wall had small high windows, no glass only screens, and there was one open sliding glass window next to where I was. Although I felt that $6 was high for a dirty gym with run down equipment, with my goal of fitness in mind I began my work out. I set the machine to full incline, with low resistance and began to quickly "climb". Within moments I was sweating. Really sweating. Considering I rarely sweat, I thought, 'this feels kind of good, like I am somehow accomplishing something.' For the first 15 minutes, I worked away to the dance mix on my ipod.
The air in the gym was so hot! Although I thought I might pass out, with my $6 in mind I was not quitting, I wanted to get my money's worth. I adjusted the ramp down a bit and increased the resistance to full, making it harder to "climb" but slowing down the walk considerably with the thought that I might keep going, but cool off a bit. As I drank and drank, sweating and sweating I looked around at all the locals who were also sweating profusely, and realized that while there are 9 ceiling fans none of them were running.
At 23 minutes I had to stop. I could not take it anymore. I went to the counter and sweating profusely my face beet red, I asked the cute girl why the fans were not on.
Please understand that it was 91 degrees with 89% humidity outside. Inside with no ocean breeze, and a bunch of hot sweaty people, it felt like it was 150 degrees with 120% humidity. The open window next to me was actually collecting condensation.
So, the cute girl, in answer to my question, smiled sweetly and said, no... we don't turn on the fans. The customers don't like them on.
I walked away thinking...SERIOUSLY??? I am dying here, and I can take the heat after all, I have some serious heat credentials! I was born in Phoenix, AZ. I have been in a convertible Volkswagon sans air conditioner, on the freeway, stuck in traffic, top down sitting in the sun, in 122 degree heat, with crying kids, but this...this hot sweaty humid heat, was too much!
I conceded defeat having experienced both the gym and the sauna at the same time, and tail between my sweaty legs I finished my bottle of water and headed off to my next adventure.
The deli counter of the local grocery store...
Nice writing!! Had me laughing out loud. I hope you are having the time of your life. What an exquisite adventure. Keep the stories coming. I would like to live vicariously through you as I sit here typing my resume and pondering entering the work force again. I think I'd rather be running from scary, rabid dogs in 90 degree heat!